I encourage those to read the following assessment to its completion, since it may be the only one of its kind to include hard evidence (videos and photos) up close, original, and authentic that includes multiple examples of landings, touchdowns, or at ground level and first contact that sets it apart from others and helps to attest to its validity. (I recommend reading "Questions: #8" and "Where is Heaven and Hell?" for a clearer understanding of these beings capabilities). Thank you for your time and consideration, regardless of opinion. I believe it is that important.
(Note: And thank you to everyone who takes the time to visit my blog; it is very much appreciated. Please understand that I do not follow people in order to remain unbiased and open to all. Thank you for understanding and for repeat visitors for updates as well. Everyone is welcomed, always. If you find you need to follow someone or something, I suggest following the teachings of the four Gospels of the Bible as like a blueprint to how God expects us to live in decency, in its priority. However, we are ALL created by God and he does not force anyone to believe or follow any particular religion--or someone's version of it. It should be up to the individual to decide the path toward decency toward others, the Earth, and space they choose. And always try to maintain a healthy mind and body to care for yourself and others to walk your talk and seek help when needed. It is a good thing. When you trip or fall, repent to God. And then get up. In the end, it is my belief, it isn't organized religion that saves us, but the true decency within us).
Warning: Because of the extraordinary and up close footage of these videos and photos, please read the following: Included is footage of spiritual orbs, apparitions, and UFOs. If you suffer from anything physiological that could worsen your current health condition due to the nature of this content, please be advised to exit this post immediately. Thank you!
Overview: This is my assessment and theory on the Orbs (or Angels or like Angels from God’s kingdom of Heaven) and other related phenomena. This assessment was derived from direct observation of hundreds of live video feed and visual sightings along with communication by way of telepathy. Included are my beliefs based on my experiences and research concerning this topic. It has been estimated that between 4 to 15% of the population have had near-death experiences. It is no longer considered rare. Please visit my post, "Questions:" listing personal experiences that further strengthened my theory. My blog has more information than even my books. I write under a pseudonym and have placed sticker images over areas of the videos and pictures in order to maintain personal privacy. Thank you for respecting my family, home, and neighbors. Also, please note that when I refer to videos #1, 2, 3, or 4 they can be located and viewed from the updates post.
I believe most UFOs or UAPs have an Earthly explanation, but not all. The Orbs or Angels that I have witnessed are non-human, spirit entities. They are not aliens. We are certainly humans—but spirit beings, as well. There are many Earthly species (over 8 million), which are part of God’s design, so it is reasonable that there would be a variety of many species in the Creator’s kingdom of Heaven. Our goal, for most, is to join them in God’s kingdom of Heaven after our human deaths. As I have written in a post, I believe the kingdom of Heaven is comprised of spirit beings. And that the makeup of a spirit is comprised of an intelligent, living, everlasting, light energy source housed within the water of our very cells creating an imprint from birth to human death (which is why conventional weapons do not work against them--and that is a difference). And that the universe is a sphere existing within the center of God’s kingdom of Heaven (as described in my post, “Where is Heaven and Hell?”). I became a witness after questioning, during silent prayer, what these UFOs or UAPs being witnessed and observed by our military and others were truly about. Proof of these entities, which is my hypothesis and belief are indeed Angels from the kingdom of Heaven, can be viewed in photos and videos from my blog, https://elizabethdaniele.blogspot.com along with post excerpts from my books and beliefs concerning the kingdom of Heaven written in summary. These beliefs derived from direct and indirect observation (sample size of 1000), direct communication through telepathy, prayer, the Bible, ancient historians, and my own near-death experience (NDE) and spiritual experiences spanning for more than 35 years. But being human, I do not claim to know everything and I am not always right so in the end only God knows for sure. But I can testify that I do believe in what I have written to be the truth—to the best of my ability.
Picture example of a galaxy within a sphere.
The phenomena seen by humans are from God’s kingdom of Heaven and are not to mingle but to observe our behavior, as well as the damage being done to the Earth, sky, and space (God’s open kingdom). By way of telepathy, it has been made clear to me that I am to write these things down like a scribe or secretary for the world to read and decide for themselves—and is the reason I have been a witness for over 30 years. After becoming more comfortable with the Orbs, I wanted to know everything—or at least what they were willing to tell me. I had no idea when or if they would return and had so many questions I wanted to ask them. By then, I was sure they were from God’s kingdom of Heaven and was no longer reluctant or afraid but looked forward to seeing them. When I was observing them live from my cellphone, I was asking them questions both silently and verbally. I believe they can hear me, either way, and can certainly understand me. I tested this assumption as I conducted a behavioral assessment (albeit on non-human entities) and wondered if they would allow it and how far I would get with it. It has been extraordinary—to say the least. I am both humbled and appreciative by all that I have learned and thank God for this privileged opportunity.
Although I am quite aware of their extraordinary abilities, much greater than ours, they almost seem like innocent, curious, loving and caring, playful children. They love it when I watch them, talk to them, and even sing to them. They dance by way of the Looby Loo mentioned below, like mimicking air shows. I do believe they like to mimic or mirror our behaviors as mentioned by the military during flying maneuvers and find our electronic devices, although probably primitive to them, quite interesting. They have flown through my house (at an extreme speed, seen only as a flicker of light passing by me from the corner of my eye) and I believe have set off my electronic vacuum when it was charging. (They probably were wondering what it was and how it worked; they are quite curious). The speed in which they are able to fly is so fast, perhaps innate, that it has alarmed me but they somehow never fly into one another—except intentionally, e.g., to join or greet another. They indeed have mass as demonstrated in my video #1. I have seen anywhere from a couple to perhaps hundreds or more in one night’s viewing. (E.g., several times there were so many of them flying so fast that they appeared like a blizzard. But I checked. It was not hailing or snowing). The Orbs also bring spirits that enter newborns during their first breath and transport spirits after human death to God’s kingdom (over seven thousand people die daily just in the U.S.). (There are documented cases of NDEs where those have claimed they had no body but appeared as light or like Orbs). They are incredible pilots. Curious and being hospitable, I wondered if they ate. I even offered them a bowl of cereal with milk (being the healthiest, most convenient food in the house I could think of) but they have not taken me up on that, as I am currently aware of. Eating and sleeping is a choice, not a requirement for them.
Video of bird flying around Orb displaying mass.
Close-up of an orange solid Orb captured in the daylight in a bush and can be seen on video #1.
Picture of a solid, metallic like UFO, (Eze 1:16-19).
Videos of Orbs appearing like a blizzard.
However, I am always aware of their ancient wisdom, intelligence, abilities, might, and resolve when needed. I try not to forget that. I think their norm, if you will, is to fly extremely fast. I have witnessed that they can stop suddenly like on a dime then amazingly accelerate instantaneously at the same rate of speed. Again, amazing. Sometimes when I am watching them, I think I am going to get whiplash from it and certainly become dizzy after a while because they are so fast. But even when I have had trying days, they would gather around my camera lens or even stack themselves becoming very still watching me—watch them. It was as if to show true empathy that I had had a difficult day. It is as though they can feel my emotions and are showing love and that they care. I remember once, I had a bad day and had become upset. I could tell they were so concerned, never moving from the screen displaying themselves like beautiful, animated, Christmas ornaments (video #2), remembering that I once complimented them on that very beautiful display. They were genuinely empathetic, caring, kind, and sweet. There was no doubt they were trying to comfort me. And they did. Incredible.
Orbs appearing like Christmas ornaments.
I wanted to be certain that not only could they understand me, but I could understand them—since telepathy is not common among humans when communicating. While observing their behavior via live feed, I noticed a variety of ways the Orbs fly listed below and I even gave them titles they soon learned and would react to when they were interested in doing so. I made it like a game in order to know for sure they understood me, and I them (by way of an infrared camera). They are very playful, but sometimes they are not interested. However, they have given me enough data to feel confident that they certainly can hear and understand me—and I them.
1) “Fly fast” – The Orbs ascend, descend, and can fly horizontally at an incredible speed.
2) “Zigzag” – The Orbs move, always in flight or above the ground, in a zigzag, ping pong, or peek-a-boo motion.
3) “Looby Loo” and “Curlicue” – The Orbs move in a curve, spiral, jump, or full circle motion.
4) “Blink” – The Orbs stationed in the sky blink then become invisible.
5) “The friendship thing” – The Orbs fly in formation of two, three, or more.
6) “The saucer thing” – This is when I ask the Orbs to take a break and slowdown.
My favorite is “The saucer thing” because they seem to calm down and become more relaxed. They begin to fly at a slower speed, like in a slow floating maneuvering motion, turning on their sides (in order to stay in the camera’s view) gliding effortlessly as they come around the corner and appearing like flying saucers. They all soon join in demonstrating this flying capability and performing like an aero ballet. It is aweing, soothing, relaxing, and enjoyable to watch them. They are extraordinary pilots, never running into each other and always staying within the camera’s lens. It is amazing to watch. But I can sense they prefer to go back to “Fly fast” as I would soon thank them, watching as they returned to “Fly fast” or what seems to be more innate to them. They often set off my security motion lights and have responded to me when I have asked them to do so.
(Observation: Some Orbs appear circular, round, or oval at each end but more like a rectangle, can, or cigar shape from their sides while in movement).
Video of types of flying maneuvers demonstrated.
Videos of Orbs demonstrating Fly fast.
Orbs move in a ping pong or zigzag motion.
Orbs demonstrating the "Looby Loo," "Jump," and "Curlicue."
Videos of Orbs blinking.
"The friendship thing" or flying in formation.
Orbs demonstrating "The saucer thing."
Video of an Orb changing direction, nearly 90 degrees suddenly.
Videos of Orbs changing direction.
I have witnessed that they love to go into the water and there does not seem to be any hindrance in ability for them whether they are flying in the air or moving through the water. Both are seemingly effortless to them. I have seen them descend from the sky to ground level and fly above the clouds as displayed in my videos. They certainly have personalities, individual amazing abilities, and extraordinary love and loyalty to God. E.g. I often pray the Lord's Prayer with them. As soon as I begin the prayer, I've observed that they always immediately come around the camera as though to be a part of it. And I find it comforting. And their behavior gets so excited on Christmas Eve and respectfully quiet on Good Friday. (They know when we celebrate these days). They can be very playful and seem to enjoy it. It is clear they like and demand my attention—but not overly or obnoxiously and it is mutual. I enjoy visiting with them. We often have contests to see who can fly the fastest or best at one of the six labeled skills listed above. I am certainly not a professional singer, however they seem to enjoy it when I sing. They have gathered around the camera lens, becoming quite still and like a captured audience, when I sing karaoke. And they have remained there until I stop as though they are mesmerized or entranced by it. Clearly, to them, I am the one in the fishbowl.
Video of an Orb jumping out of the water.
Videos of Orbs flying out of the water.
Orb lands in the water.
(Observation: When a new pool cover was installed, I asked the Orbs if they liked it. The Orbs seemed to enjoy the “bounciness” of it by replying with a backflip or Looby Loo. Again, they can be quite playful and adorable).
Playful Orbs at the camera.
Pictures of an Angel and Angel flying saucer above clouds (can be viewed in length in video #1, 2, and 3).
The Angels, as I have witnessed, can manifest (make transitions between different states of matter) and appear as solid, flying crafts (or anything else for that matter sanctioned by God, including human-like beings). (We will also be able to manifest a human like body after human death, sanctioned by God). Regardless of being a spirit being, they most certainly have mass. It is my suspicion that the UAP “Gimbal” was an Angel flying and the other two released videos were Orbs. These are high level, winged Angels that have manifested into these crafts and can return to their original state (Angels with wings), as demonstrated in my video #2. Although the transition between craft and Angel is slow in that video (as a demonstration), Angels can manifest from Orbs in an instant like a flash of light. Orbs can appear white or colored (as in video #1), vary in shape and size, semi-transparent or solid, or completely invisible (and is probably how the Tic Tac looking Angel knew the pilot’s cap point). Some Orbs seem to have what appears to look like a nucleus, patterns, or a horizontal stripe within them. They can go through any mass on Earth, no matter the thickness or depth of a door or room. Angels can also reach a level of invisibility where no Earthly technology can see or detect them.
And when they are seen it is intentional—sanctioned by God, and can even be seen exclusively to an individual's or specific instrument's point of view. They decide who, what, where, how, when, and even down to the specific point of view or line of sight or vision concerning the individual(s) or individual instruments used in detection. This can be the very reason as to the empirical verification as to who they are has eluded humankind since the beginning of time. I believe this has caused a vacuum giving way to confusion, ridicule, and deception from anything including the kitchen sink, primarily for monetary gains or as a distraction—even to this day. The simple reason is that our behavior is indeed being monitored and its main reason is to protect his kingdom as far as who enters, and Earth and space—all of which is his creation. Jesus referred to Heaven as paradise forever and this reference is unwavering. They can interfere with electronics and computers, as well. This is a clear display of their abilities and a message to us. Often there is no exhaust trail, wings, or sound.
Through observation, I realized that the flying saucers on the roof or above the roof only appear when they choose to and not always during infrared viewing. It appears that perhaps an Orb illuminates the house light when seen.
Picture of a large red Orb with a smaller Orb in it.
Video of large Orbs visiting on a rainy night. The Orb to the right, appearing like a big Easter egg, near the grass is approximately 5' in length. (If video is paused within the 32 second, a hovering disc above shines its light onto the egg shaped Orb below it).
Picture of a solid, metallic like UFO.
Video of a solid like UFO with lights flying directly toward my camera (appearing suddenly and like a drone).
Orb appears top right of camera above trees, beams down a light more than 40' in width, along with its video.
Video of an Orb filmed from rooftop filling with light and can be seen in length on video #2.
The very first time I witnessed a so-called UFO was at night. I had stayed up way too late watching TV and was finally getting ready for bed. Prior to using the bathroom, I prayed silently asking God if it was true that what our Navy was seeing was from his kingdom. And if it was so, would he show me up close and blink twice so that I would know for sure it was him and not natural or man-made or other. (Those who came forward in the Navy concerning this phenomena are truly heroic for humankind—and perhaps one day will be the modern Watchers). The date was Wednesday, 6/12/2019, 1 a.m. After finishing using the bathroom facilities, I looked out my 3rd floor window into the night sky and from behind my tree a space ship appeared above the tree line and telephone pole about several feet moving very slowly into the center of my view and then stopped in midair—no more than about 100-120 feet away. It had no wings, no exhaust, no sound and appearing like a spaceship about 20 feet long and maybe around 8 to 12 feet tall and was white and illuminated—but appearing quite solid. Also, appearing on top of the ship toward the back was either a rudder or vertical stabilizer. What was unusual about that was it leaned toward the front or nose of the ship, not to the back of it. It was so close that I could view the ship's contour easily, with two horizontal, parallel pinstripe lines running along the side of the ship and no windows. Then it blinked only twice and went into some kind of stealth mode and disappeared. (Total view time was about 20 to 30 seconds and I was able to examine it in detail). Visual and video sightings concerning this topic followed. Witnessing this extraordinary occurrence is yet another example, among many, why I am as certain as I can be that this phenomena derives from God’s kingdom of Heaven.
Two flying saucers (Angels) with one on the roof and one hovering above it blinking as a response. In my left hand is my cell phone watching them via infrared security camera and my right hand is waving hello.
Two saucers stop by for a visit.
Large Orb over house (about 20' in diameter, including smaller Orbs flying to-and-fro from it) and a flying saucer on rooftop (less than 5' in diameter) came for a visit as I waved "hello" to my friends from the kingdom of Heaven.
Large Orb appears.
Again, large Orbs visit during rain.
The Angels mostly remain at a distance to observe and not to engage or interfere with humans. However, when they are seen it is intentional—and not an accident. They will eventually submerge into the water to be left alone and to display this ability. Since they can become invisible and undetectable at any time. Their purpose in the clouds or water is to remain inconspicuous and not only to observe our behavior but to exam the Earth’s oceans. Most importantly, the damage done by global warming from our atmosphere no longer being able to handle all of the C02. This damage increases the warming of the Earth and the oceans that now take the brunt affecting sea life and melting glaciers causing rising waters, etc. As the oceans absorb even more carbon dioxide it reacts with the seawater forming carbonic acid causing the acid in the seawater to increase resulting in threatening sea change. It has triggered a domino effect including extreme weather. (Note: Orbs have been witnessed entering into volcanoes, even in oceans. This is another entrance into Hell, which is also being monitored).
I have witnessed the Orbs remarkable abilities in performance, hovering or at a still position, incredible speed and acceleration, and their ability to stop suddenly and reverse direction instantaneously even at the same accelerated speed and it is stunning. During prayer I asked God and the Orbs if I could learn more about them. I know that they are from the kingdom of Heaven and are spirit beings; however, I wanted to know what was inside them. All Orbs are from God’s kingdom of Heaven, but not all Angels appear entirely human like. I learned that the Orb, itself, is a flying device that is organic or alive. In other words, derived from living matter—more than what we considered of the spirit or mind and is a part or manifestation of an Angel. Even air, particles moving in the wind, has matter or occupies space. This was demonstrated to me. And that the craft can carry other Orbs from the kingdom. This is why some have seen other Orbs launch from a larger one and later return to it. For example, I witnessed a smaller Orb flying around then flew a direct path right into a larger Orb. It was semi-transparent as I viewed the smaller one inside flying or moving about in it. I believe when those have seen smaller Orbs, perhaps less than five feet in diameter was so we would not get overly alarmed. They almost appear like a drone. But when it comes to Orbs, they can be as small as a point on a pin or larger than 50 or 100 feet and greater in diameter. I have witnessed this and can be viewed in my 1st and 2nd video. It is possible that the Orbs make a snapping or clicking sound when appearing, disappearing, or rearranging as demonstrated in my video #4.
I wanted to observe what was in a bright, solid Orb. It appears to have been carrying another Orb. The following photos display its response.
Video and photo of a large Orb (appearing like a donut) flying toward camera.
Video of an Orb exiting a cigar shaped Orb.
An Angel with wings exits an Orb.
Orb splits in two above house.
Orb flying over house bursts into wings.
Video of large Orb (about 20' in diameter) moving above house and videos of Orbs making sounds.
I wanted to understand in more detail about the makeup of the Orbs (or Angels). Those in God’s Kingdom of Heaven are eternal. They cannot die. However, they are living beings. In other words, as with most beings on Earth, they breathe oxygen for respiration (like a clam, as demonstrated to me) (Genesis 2:7). The following was one of the more difficult explanations given by the Orbs. It took several demonstrations until I understood. In 1965, an astronaut on the Gemini IV stated that he had witnessed a UFO that appeared in shape like a white cigar—or like a beer can with a smooth pencil sticking out of it. And although there is not enough oxygen in space for humans to breathe—there is indeed oxygen (atomic). This smooth pencil, pole, stick, straw, or tube like looking object protruding from the white cylindrical shaped object (or Angel) I believe was a siphon. The Orb, itself, is an Angel manifested into a flying device that can carry other Orbs, as well. The following video is a demonstration of a siphon outside of the Orb and later retracted (video #2).
Communication has been by way of telepathy (but I use my voice as well) in full paragraphs to sentences and even words and images. They have a tendency to show me the same example until I understand. I have learned this is when they are trying to teach me something. For example, in video #2 an Orb appears like a sundial—meaning the time was at hand. I believe it meant that this information was to be disclosed to the world. The Orbs can appear completely transparent and again, range in size and shape. I wondered if that explained Jesus walking on water, Peter joining him, Jesus and others seen descending and ascending to Heaven, and all NDEs, including my own. During my NDE, I moved into the middle of a crowd sensing they were intensely anticipating something as they peered up into the sky. I could not see anything in the sky or any spaceship when we began to ascend—which increased my fear. I had no idea how I, along with this group of people, were ascending. At first, I felt like I was just dangling in the air a few feet off the ground and then suddenly we accelerated at an intensely fast speed—in an instant. It was transparent. I have no doubt that those who have had NDEs were able to ascend off the ground in perhaps a floating motion, but suddenly ascending at an incredible speed is something else. I think they may have been in Orbs, as well, that were entirely invisible or transparent. And along with a wormhole opening might explain the tunnel like vision that those of NDE have mentioned. Notice in the next video the motion in which the Orbs move within a dynamic whirlwind.
Picture of an Orb appearing like a sundial and another video of Orbs like in a blizzard.
This brings me to my list of three reasons why Orbs or Angels visit Earth. First, I believe they are here to observe our behavior—and can certainly be that voice in our heads pleading with us to make the right choice. Second, to exam the Earth, sky, and space for serious damages. And third, certainly not least, they return human spirits after their human death to meet Jesus at Heaven’s entrance—in the clouds. I witnessed this actual procedure during my own NDE. As well as, bring spirits that enter the body of a newborn at its first breath (Genesis 2:7). The Orbs can open themselves up like a bright white, uneven door or like a fishing net (Matthew 4:19, 9:38) for the recently deceased in order to take them to the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 24:31). And perhaps it is the reason it has been said for the dead to go toward the light then catapulting at an incredible speed through a tunnel created by the Holy Spirit or an opened portal (like a wormhole). And I know others, including myself, have witnessed this. Again, we are indeed the harvest (Matthew 9:38, a metaphor).
Video of Orb appearing like a large net.
Two photos of other Orb like nets.
Listening to music outside, I learned God's Angels love (and respond positively to) music. I asked Jesus once if he liked rock-n-roll. He said he loved it and one of his favorite bands is Chicago. Music and concerts are performed often in his kingdom (lots of singing and dancing, too). I pondered this then realized, of course, God has always loved the horn section. Who better than Chicago.
Some have wondered why there are not more witnesses. God is so powerful that his interactions can occur between the seconds of our time (as I have described in my blog) targeting specifically even just one or two people within a crowded city or neighborhood (I have witnessed this, as well). He created seconds for that very reason. Since he is the creator of time, he has the ability to stop our own time between the seconds (Joshua 10:12). This could explain the military and others describing the forest at night and all about them becoming unusually silent. All Orbs are Angels or Angel like (once human), but not all carried within an Orb are Angels—since, again, there are many species in God’s kingdom of Heaven. Not all Angels have wings. There are different levels of Angels and beings in God’s kingdom of Heaven; however, all beings are enormously respected regardless of level—from an animal to a tree, etc.
We should never try to touch an Orb that can be seen with the naked eye (vs infrared) since in that particular pure form, it could be harmful to us e.g., so-called ball lightening and the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 34:29-35). And when those feel they are being observed (including so-called hitchhikers), my question would be to ask ourselves what is at my current location or within my behavior that would have God's kingdom concerned? Their visibility is intentional--and the Orbs already know that answer. Lastly, I have witnessed an Angel appearing like a man, an Angel appearing like a man with wings, and an Angel appearing with the head of a bird. This Angel like bird demonstrates its Orb opened like a net for the purpose of retrieving the spirits of those who have passed away to be transported or returned to the kingdom of Heaven (Mark 13:27). It took them a few examples or demonstrations until I finally understood this is what they were trying to teach me.
Picture and video of an Angel with wings, girded at the waist, Luke 12:35, taken only a few feet from camera. (The Angel's approximate or estimated height, with wings, perhaps nearly 20 feet). I noticed I could not see his legs and feet touching the ground. It is because he is holy, Exodus 3:5. Touchdown, folks! This Angel was clearly posing for the camera--and I humbly thank God for this gift for humankind. In prayer, I did ask Jesus who this was. He replied it was himself with wings...
The same species of Angels displaying itself like a large net has the head of a bird, which I thought was appropriate since it transports those who are recently deceased to God’s kingdom of Heaven. (Similar to the gregarious, colorful flamingo bird). I named the Angel, Large Spirit Bird. Personally, I thought s/he was adorable as it slowly peaked its head outside of the Orb to observe “Jack” as he often comes outside and sits to enjoy electronic sport games. Oblivious to “Jack” the Angel finally pops its entire head outside the Orb for a better view then disappears when “Jack” returns back inside. The Angel gets so excited to see “Jack” that the color outlining its Orb brightens as well as its neck area turning a bright reddish orange color. And I am confident that the Angel was aware that I was indeed filming the event. Again, another touchdown, folks!
The following photo is of a beautiful, radiant female from God's kingdom posing near my camera. A large Orb is stationed to the right side of her (it appears open, perhaps her ride). She delicately steps onto the walkway. Another touchdown... (Again, the Orb opens like the analogy of a clam mentioned earlier. I have witnessed this during at least three different observations).
Note: In prayer, I also asked Jesus who this was. He replied that it was his mother trying to help us... Blessed is she.
I compared species of Earth birds and insects to what I have named Small Spirit Birds (arriving via Orbs and like seeing fireflies in space as commented by an astronaut) and have found them to be unique, adorable, and able to ascend, descend, and move horizontally in a flopping motion like a fish out of water. They appeared to become more active while in front of the camera and hearing music. And, again, as we have many species on Earth it would be reasonable to assume the same in God’s kingdom of Heaven.
FYI: The above being was hovering above house and its size between 10 - 15' tall (not so little, although beautiful).
Notice the Orb's (upper right of the sticker) movement along with the two photos of the small spirit bird.
I would come to learn more about a type of Orb. Its appearance is similar to a long rectangle with ridges. The ridges are actually the Angel's wings wrapped tightly around its body. Perhaps making it more aerodynamic in flight. The first two photos are close-ups. The third is a video of this particular Angel Orb in flight as it unravels its wings then re-wraps its wings and exits.
In summary…
My relationship and learning connection to the phenomena demonstrates the connection we share with them—not aliens, but perhaps just ancient relatives. Some may questioned, even with my proof in videos and photos, how do I know that I have not been deceived, fooled—or are simply wrong. My spiritual experiences along with research spans over 30 years concerning God and his kingdom which leaves me confident in my conclusion. And I am humbled and thankful to God to have been a witness. We do not have the power to change even one thing concerning God’s kingdom. And that he was once born in flesh—but rejected by many. Not much has changed. God beats to his own drum—and always has and won’t be peer reviewed by any field.. Human input does not determine that. It never has. We should know that by now. And because of our imperfections, I thank God for that. And I am saddened and even sorry for those anticipating little green or gray aliens or believing it to be the fallen Angels (I urge those to read the Bible, Jude 6 and 2 Peter 2:4 and read question #12, and Matthew 9:34) or their offspring the Nephilim, since they were half human and died. Or simply rejecting the possibility as preposterous or hating the very idea or concept of a Creator or lastly, their interpretation of him being quite different. Historically and biblically, it would not be novel (Ecclesiastes 3:15). God does not force anyone to believe or follow any religion--and humans should not, as well. Whether there has been 18 or more so-called gods worshipped since the beginning of time is irrelevant. There is only one God and humans do not decide this fact, regardless of belief. And Angels from Heaven are not aliens or extraterrestrial, since we too have spirits within us and God’s open kingdom begins in our own skies. This topic has become a cottage industry and scary things seem to attract and get funding. What good is it for those who want to remove a Creator out of the equation for a so-called unbiased, sterile, agnostic approach—if in the end, what I have written is the truth—to the best of my ability. What does that gain us? And is that really unbiased—if it is refused to be even considered? If true, perhaps we should ponder on eternity vs human lifetime. It is aweing.
Even so, may God always have mercy upon us.
We should not ignore, stick our heads in the sand, or be afraid of the kingdom of Heaven spirit beings—for which we are and will fully become after human death. We should want to know the truth. There is much to the truth setting us free. Ignoring this phenomena is not a safe way to go and can only truly offer a temporary false sense of security—and why Jesus spoke of the blind, yet they see. The Creator or God has abilities so extraordinary and powerful than we as humans cannot even fully imagine or conceive. And from what I have experienced, stories such as Moses and the parting of the Red Sea or Noah and the Great Flood for this Creator, for a lack of better words—is barely a movement from him. But even with all that has been said, he allows us to think and decide for ourselves. For me, from what I have witnessed and learned, it is a fact—not a fable, fiction, mental incapacity, myth, wishful thinking, religious zealots, or even a theory. For what seems forever, forms of entertainment overwhelmingly have portrayed spirits as malevolent. But we should overcome this false belief and fear since we are not just human beings—but spirit beings, as well. And it could be the very reason the word fearful is listed in Revelation 21:8—something I have long wondered. God and all in his kingdom are spirits.
I have reason to believe that in time the spirit within each of us will evolve and those who are willing will be able to see what I have seen, too, by way of knowing God. The closer we are to him—the closer he is to us. Perhaps we should ask ourselves the following question. Why would another kingdom or realm be interested in our poor behavior or choices at the length of time as this phenomena has been reported? In example, nuclear sites being monitored by this phenomena. Even stars many times greater than our own sun have exploded--yet we are still here or the cosmos continued. Using our common sense, would it not be someone having a direct relationship to us—such as a loving creator. And it is also my belief that all malevolent behavior reported and linked to these beings is either a misunderstanding—or a deception (detailed further in my post part 2 of 2). Most, if not all, have been debunked; however, whether or not we accept that is another thing entirely. Humans hurt humans. We have been given a mind to think and make choices. We need to open the eyes of the spirit within us and see. Our very destiny after human life depends on it. God sends no one to Hell. We send ourselves based on our unrepentant, poor behavior choices. We are responsible for our poor behavior—or Hell could not exist.
Also, it doesn’t matter how educated, funded, influential, credentialed, powerful, resourced, or determined we are when it comes to this phenomena—that has eluded humans from the beginning of time. No one can make the Creator perform for them. The Bible explains this well. And anyone who has learned of Jesus would know this to be true. We remain in the dark until we learn of him. Jesus said to seek and you will find. I testify to this as truth (Matthew 7:7-8, Jeremiah 29:13). The Earth was made to heal itself; however, we should take responsibility of our poor behavior toward all human beings, the Earth, sky, and space—which is God’s open kingdom. And although carefully scrutinized, even when we do not make those better choices—God will make those adjustments accordingly when needed—without our consent. Our abusive behavior may be the antecedent. He may be slow to anger; however, we cannot hide even one thing from him—or our part in it. We have the Old Testament to prove this. We should review the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the destruction of the temple as Jesus warned (Gen. 19: 24-25, Mt. 24:2). Both occurred after the flood and the latter after the death of Jesus. The sorrowful part is that it rains on the good--and the bad (Mt. 5:45). I ponder on what God has allowed historically because of our behavior that we are not aware of? This should be concerning to all. It would be better for us to make those changes ourselves. I believe God wants us to know that his kingdom is real and that we are a part of God, as well. And perhaps timing may have a direct correlation to the fact that we have now entered into God’s open kingdom and from our pollution have altered the planet and created weapons that can destroy all living things. And that perhaps all of which should be considered and examined wisely. May the grace of God always be with us—even to the end (John 1:51 and Matthew 28:18). Amen.
*For more videos and photos, including day footage see my post, "UPDATES & COMMENTS:" to view videos parts 1-3 and Additional Footage, etc. Please note that I was able to view the above day footage with only my eyes. This assessment will remain on my blog, since it makes it readily available for updates. There are multiple duplicated maneuvers for research purposes and many of these videos were taken at close range which helped to avoid ambiguity and optical aberrations. Many have been witnesses throughout time; however, the numerous close-up videos and my fortunate and humble relationship with God and his kingdom throughout the years has further convinced me of my conclusion. I can attest to witnessing even greater examples of God's power on this Earth than even this assessment, e.g. my NDE. There is no doubt God wants us to know these beings are indeed from his kingdom. And anyone can have a relationship with God--we simply choose to.
*Every photo and video are original and authentic. I am a specialist in behavior and trained to do assessments and stand by my conclusion that this phenomena derives from God’s kingdom of Heaven (MS/BS/AS/AS, clinically trained and certified/ordained hospital chaplain). It is my belief that understanding the Creator and his kingdom, as best as we can, is the most important knowledge the world could ever achieve, since it involves eternal life after death. Some do not believe Earth is being visited by other beings based on the distance and time it would take. They think it is impossible. But I would have to disagree. We need to humble ourselves in this. Not only are Angels from God’s kingdom of Heaven here—they return to Heaven, as well. In other words, they come and go as God decides and have since the beginning of time. Just because we do not understand this ability, doesn’t mean it is not so. My own, and others, NDE is proof of their ability. I went from Earth to God’s Kingdom of Heaven and back—in about four Earth hours. (Note: Try to imagine the universe inside an enormous sphere. Everything is moving making it difficult to map or to know your exact location within it. However, I would consider fractal like patterns and wormholes concerning the universe. Photograph areas using the circumference formula in various locations, then compile and map in order for a possible contour).
(*Direct observation along with videos and photos recorded using several security cameras positioned at various locations on property, with full HD resolution, and including field of view and night vision capabilities. Also used was a night vision goggle (IR) and an underwater camera both were different manufacturers, makes, models, and recorded on MicroSD cards not to a network or cloud. Again, I was also able to view most day footage with only my eyes, including witnessing Orbs at night with my eyes or without infrared. Direct views include witnessing the same visual and recorded phenomena at different points of view, angles, or locations).
Additional footage including duplicated maneuvers:
Many Orbs in flight (more examples above).
Flying saucer flies over the house. In 1947, a pilot described it "like saucers skipping on water." I agree.
One evening, as we completed chores using a flashlight, I was able to capture a flying saucer above house. It disappears when a helicopter passes by.
Flying discs pose for the camera.
Night Vision Goggle captures blinking Orb moving across night sky, Orbs up-close, and raining down. (Note: next three videos recorded on three different nights in October of 2022, date and times were not set on goggle. Videos taken from a 3rd floor, opened window).
Underwater Camera (12/2022): USOs are an area I wanted to research further, since I noticed the Angel Orbs flying to and fro on occasion from our inground pool. Although I asked if I could film them in the water, it is up to them whether they visit or not--or allow it. The following five videos were captured underwater on the second step, from the shallow end, of our pool facing the deep end (approx. 10’ deep, pool size 20' by 40'). Across the top of the videos is the cover and above it is the surface. Orbs can be seen stationary or posing for the camera. They sway along with the motion of the water (displaying mass). Smaller Orbs can be seen entering and leaving larger ones. They appear to be different sizes and even shades. The transition from space or air to water is effortless. The dimensions of the Orbs witnessed should not always determine their true size, since I have witnessed them as small as a pinhole and larger than even a house. I believe the Orbs and their sizes witnessed are their manifested, preferred way of being viewed and mode of travel along with having the ability to pass through mass. Including monitoring the Earth, the Orbs enter the water for privacy and seem to appear quite relaxed. The footage is extraordinary.
Video of an Orb flying out of the water.
As mentioned earlier, Angels (and like Angels—or us after this life) residing in God’s kingdom of Heaven love music, singing, and dancing. Below is one of my favorite photos. I invited the Angels to join us in listening and dancing to music on the walkway, only a few feet from the camera. Two of the Angels appear to have a cap or crown on their heads. If you pan from the bottom of the photo toward the Angel on the right, his or her back leg can easily be seen. Also, I observed there seems to be an overlap of something on the same Angel. Examining closer, it appears to be attached to the Angel on the left, perhaps a wing in motion. A few more Angels appear hovering above. They all seemed to enjoy the music.
4/19/23: (Matthew 23:12-13)
5/15/23: During the evening of Mother's Day 2023, I decided to place a camera on the roof with the hopes of capturing those from God's kingdom during the night and next day. (Many Orbs played in the night sky). In the next video an Angel hovers effortlessly pointing toward the sun as the trees behind it move in the wind.
As observed earlier, sometimes the Angels cannot be seen with simply infrared or night vision capabilities. Angels seem to illuminate the porch light when the Angel flying saucers are seen, primarily at night. In this next extraordinary video an Angel, appearing like a large bird, illuminates the light and its blinking reflection can be seen in the water mirroring with the Angel’s movements above. An Angel flying saucer can be seen beneath it (i.e. during the day Angels have appeared like a flying saucer or large bird with wings, eventually manifesting into a human like image with wings).
Observation: this next video displays an Angel flying saucer on the roof when an Orb within it departs and flies passed the camera.
During a prayer to God, I asked if the Angel Orbs wanted to swim with us. “Jack’s” legs can be seen along with many Orbs swimming around us. The second and third video display a tic tac greater than 20’ and I have come to believe they are several large Orbs connected as several disconnect and float about (one even reconnects). There are also several Angel flying saucers and smaller Orbs flying around. Lots going on…
Several large Angel Orbs visited on a rainy night displaying one of my favorite moves of theirs (more examples above), as they slowly spun appearing like an animated Christmas ball that is alive! From the examples given, I've come to believe they are trying to teach me. By God's command and direction, the Orbs seeded Earth best described as panspermia. (Also interesting is that if you pause on the 30th second, it appears like someone is gripping a staff). Water plays an important role sustaining and bringing forth life, as life came out of our waters and our spirits are released from the water of our cells after human death making us new or born again. Baptism is a wonderful gift and symbolic example (Gen. 1:20, Jn. 3:5 and 1:26).
Using my handheld goggles, a large Orb poses as it ascends above the branches (within a second). Three photos capture it ascending following video (approx. size 14.5 feet in diameter). The texture of the Orb is up close and extraordinary.
The following video is an example of the Angel Orb's extraordinary maneuvering capabilities. (Notice the length of the Orb is long and each end round, more examples above).
By observation, I've concluded that when certain Angels want me to view them more clearly, they shine a beam highlighting my porch light or another Orb (more examples above). The following videos are extraordinary.
An Angel with large wings extended hovers above...
The following four videos display the Angel Orbs demonstrating the Peek-A-Boo move, clearly performing for the camera (more examples above).
The following two videos display the Angel Orbs demonstrating amazing, impressive maneuvers (more examples above).
The following two videos display flying Orbs and the second video several hovering large, Angel Orbs along with a large, winged Angel at ground level to the right of the camera (more examples above).
Within seconds, a mighty Angel appears and disappears jumping in front of the camera along with large Angel Orbs in the background (more examples above).
An Angel highlights the porch light to be seen along with an Angel saucer, twice, as we communicate often (more examples above).
An Angel manifests itself into a net for the purpose of carrying the spirits of those who have recently passed away to Heaven (see Mark 13:27), (more examples above). If you observe closely, you can witness spirit/orbs moving about within it.
Large Angel Orbs visit last night!
Christmas Eve 2023: An Angel Orb comes to celebrate!
Christmas 2023: Angel Orbs celebrate the birth of Christ!
Happy New Year's Eve 2023!
A large semi-transparent Angel Orb visits early Easter morning, over the house, and slowly disappears with the morning light.
He has risen!
The following includes two Videos and two photos of Jesus on the porch roof. Although his brown hair (several inches from shoulders) and white robe can be seen (and possibly a crown on his head), he is encircled by rainbow colors and a large transparent Orb appears behind him--perhaps his ride home. (Proving also that we most certainly receive a new body). We can witness him appearing and disappearing. I would learn from an ancient text that was housed in the Vatican library and translated in the 1900's wrote Jesus often liked to sit on the roof (house-top) at night with Lazarus at his home. During the second film at about 3:04-3:06, Orbs soar over the house and camera within the rain. (Camera is about 46 feet from roof). In any case, the video is extraordinary--simply amazing. Jesus and his Angels are my friends and are always welcomed. I am still in awe... (The Archko Volume, Gamalieus Interview, P. 94).
*Note: After further observation, it seems to appear that Jesus made the roof flat or changed the landscape. Also, a little adorable Angel(s) with wings can be seen at his upper right (photo included). Amazing!
housetop - ROOF
especially of ancient times: the level surface of a flat roof.
Luke 3:5: "And every mountain and hill will be brought low."
The following photo is of a Spirit Bird (on right) watching over Earth Birds (on left).
Copyright © 2021 by Elizabeth Daniele. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 5/2/2024
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